Opportunities for Double Major, Minor, and Erasmus
Our department supports the academic and personal development of our students through opportunities such as double major, minor, and Erasmus.
Our Graduates of 2023
We proudly congratulate our dear graduates and wish them lasting success in the future.
Literaturworkshop mit Ariane Koch und Dinçer Güçyeter
Bei unserem letzten Workshop in unserer Abteilung waren wir sehr glücklich, die preisgekrönten Schriftsteller Ariane Koch und Dinçer Güçyeter als Gäste begrüßen zu dürfen. Ariane Kochs Werk "Die Aufdrängung" und Dinçer Güçyeters Werk "Unser Deutschland Märchen" standen im Mittelpunkt unseres Workshops. Die intimen Gespräche, die wir mit unseren Gastautoren geführt haben, ermöglichten uns eine tiefere Reise in die Welt dieser beeindruckenden Werke.
Literature Workshop with Alois Hotschnig
May 12, 2023 We had the pleasure of hosting Austrian author Alois Hotschnig in our department. The guest author discussed his latest book "Der Silberfuchs meiner Mutter", which deals with a family drama resulting from World War II, and answered our questions.

Program Coordinator: Dr. Türkân Soman Çelik (tsomancelik@hacettepe.edu.tr)

In accordance with the conditions and practices specified in the Minor Program Directive with decision number 2019-372 dated 06.11.2019 of Hacettepe University, any students enrolled in any undergraduate program of our University can register for the Minor Program of the Department of German Language and Literature.

The language of instruction of the Minor Program of the Department of German Language and Literature is German.

Our department has been running the Minor Program since the 2006-2007 academic year. Our quota for the Minor Program is limited to 5 students for the Fall semester of the 2021-2022 academic year (The quota is re-determined every semester). Minor applications are taken at the beginning of the Fall and Spring Semesters.

Detailed information about the application and admission conditions for the program, the conditions required for success and graduation are included in the Hacettepe University Minor Program Directive (turkish).

Students enrolled in the Minor Program of the Department of German Language and Literature who successfully complete the 8 compulsory courses listed below [total local credit: 16; total ECTS credit: 32] are eligible to receive the German Language and Literature Minor Certificate.

Updated Course List for the Minor Program of the Department of German Language and Literatur


Course Name



ADE 109

Dilbilime Giriş           



ADE 183

Edebiyat Bilimine Giriş I



ADE 226

Genel Dilbilim



ADE 267

Alman Kültür Tarihi I



ADE 285

Edebi Metinler I



ADE 297

Edebiyat Tarihi I



ADE 345

Uygulamalı Dilbilim



ADE 389

Edebiyat Eleştirisi I



Petitions to be Used for Minor Application:

1. Petition to be given to the student's own department (turkish)

2. Petition to be given to the department the student will apply to (turkish)