Opportunities for Double Major, Minor, and Erasmus
Our department supports the academic and personal development of our students through opportunities such as double major, minor, and Erasmus.
Our Graduates of 2023
We proudly congratulate our dear graduates and wish them lasting success in the future.
Literaturworkshop mit Ariane Koch und Dinçer Güçyeter
Bei unserem letzten Workshop in unserer Abteilung waren wir sehr glücklich, die preisgekrönten Schriftsteller Ariane Koch und Dinçer Güçyeter als Gäste begrüßen zu dürfen. Ariane Kochs Werk "Die Aufdrängung" und Dinçer Güçyeters Werk "Unser Deutschland Märchen" standen im Mittelpunkt unseres Workshops. Die intimen Gespräche, die wir mit unseren Gastautoren geführt haben, ermöglichten uns eine tiefere Reise in die Welt dieser beeindruckenden Werke.
Literature Workshop with Alois Hotschnig
May 12, 2023 We had the pleasure of hosting Austrian author Alois Hotschnig in our department. The guest author discussed his latest book "Der Silberfuchs meiner Mutter", which deals with a family drama resulting from World War II, and answered our questions.

1. What is Erasmus?

The Erasmus+ Program, fully known as the “European Union Action Program for the Mobility of University Students” or simply “Erasmus+,” is a European Union initiative that encourages cooperation among higher education institutions and allows students and academics to gain experience at universities in different countries.

This program was initially launched in 1987 under the name “Erasmus” as a student mobility program and has been expanded over time to include youth and education. These expansions were carried out under the headings “Socrates,” “Leonardo da Vinci,” “Lifelong Learning,” and “Youth,” and most recently continued under the name “Erasmus+” for the period 2014-2020.

The European Union, with the EU2020 Strategy, has decided to place more emphasis on education and teaching. In this context, the Erasmus+ Program aims to support individuals in acquiring broader and higher-level skills by offering opportunities to study and work abroad. The program is implemented in the fields of education, teaching, learning, internships, volunteer work, youth, and sports with the aim of improving quality in higher education. The Erasmus+ Program offers financial support grants provided by National Agencies to all participating countries. In Turkey, the institution offering this grant support in this field is located within the Presidency of the Center for EU Education and Youth Programs.

2. Institutions that have an agreement with our department

  • Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Deutschland)
  • Universitat Bremen (Deutschland)
  • Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (Deutschland)
  • Universität Hamburg (Deutschland)
  • Padagogische Hochschule Heidelberg (Deutschland)
  • Johannes Gutenberg- Uniiversitat Mainz (Deutschland)
  • University of Mannheim (Deutschland)
  • Philips-Universität Marburg (Deutschland)
  • Universitat Stuttgart (Deutschland)
  • Azerbaijan University of Languages (Aserbaidschan)
  • Bakü State University (Aserbaidschan)
  • Akaki Tseretelli Stste University (Georgien)
  • Ivane Javakhishvilli Tbilisi State University (Georgien)

  • Bishkek Humanitarian University (Kirgisistan)
  • Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine)

3. Contact

Erasmus Coordinator: Doç. Dr. Onur YILMAZ onur.yilmaz@hacettepe.edu.tr
Erasmus Internship Coordinator Doç. Dr. Mutlu ER mutluer@hacettepe.edu.tr
  Arş. Gör. Anıl ACAR anil_acar@hacettepe.edu.tr