A "Fairy Tale and Meddah Festival" was organized for earthquake victims from Malatya
The “Fairy Tale and Storyteller Festival” was organized in Malatya on 27-30 January 2024 in cooperation with the Atatürk Cultural Center Presidency and Hacettepe University Rectorate.
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Prof. Dr. Carsten Gansel
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Literaturworkshop mit Ariane Koch und Dinçer Güçyeter
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Literature Workshop with Alois Hotschnig
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A "Fairy Tale and Meddah Festival" was organized for earthquake victims from Malatya.

A "Fairy Tale and Meddah Festival" was organized for earthquake victims from Malatya.

With the cooperation of the Atatürk Cultural Center Presidency and the Rectorate of Hacettepe University, the "Fairy Tale and Meddah Festival" was held in Malatya on 27-30 January 2024.

In the event organized for the earthquake victim children from Malatya, who were affected by the earthquake that occurred on February 6, 2023, the Members of the Scientific Board of our Institution, Prof. Dr. Musa Yaşar SAĞLAM and Mehmet Tahir İKİLER, and Ömer ÇAKIR, one of the experts of our Institution, took part.

The event was held at the Hayat Good Life Center, which was established in the container campus in cooperation with the Rectorate of Hacettepe University and Hayat Holding in Samanköy, Yeşilyurt district of Malatya.

The texts selected from among the fairy tales compiled within the scope of the Turkish Fairy Tale Corpus Project carried out by the Atatürk Cultural Center were read and explained by Ömer Çakır to kindergarten children aged 3-6 every morning between 10.00 and 11.00 during the event. In addition, each child was presented with a fairy tale book from the publications of our Institution.

During the event, every morning between 11.00 and 12.00, stories were read by Prof. Dr. Musa Yaşar Sağlam for primary school children. Prof. Sağlam presented a fairy tale book and a TDK School Dictionary from the publications of our Institution to the students who asked questions and answered correctly while reading selected stories of Turkish and world children's literature.

Again, during the event, puppet karagöz shows were presented and fairy tales were told for all age groups benefiting from container activities between 14.00 and 15.00 in the afternoon. The shows and tales told with puppets made by traditional puppet and Karagöz artist Mehmet Tahir İkiler were watched with interest by both parents and children. The demonstrations, which were held indoors on the first day, were moved to the open area from the next day due to the high participation.

Parents and children, who had a good time with the examples of our rich culture throughout the week, wished for the continuation of such activities, albeit at regular intervals.

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Within the framework of social responsibility activities, our department Assist. Prof. Dr. Musa Yaşar SAĞLAM contributed to the event held between 27-30 January 2025 in Samanköy Container City in the Malatya earthquake zone.